Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Return of the Shiny Nerd in Time for Marriage Equality!

So it has been an eternity since my last post, but I have emerged from the depths of the thesis an (almost) free woman, with only the viva. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

So what's happening here in Ireland at the moment is the referendum on marriage equality. Basically, we're being asked to vote on whether to allow gay marriage. I am strongly in favour of voting in gay marriage, because I believe in equal rights for all. You can read more on my thoughts here, on a guest post for Consider the Tea Cosy: While you're over there, take a moment to read through the other guest posts, and the ones which are coming; this is an important issue and part of what we're trying to do it address the concerns of anyone still on the fence, so go read!

I won't write about anything else today: this is important stuff. So more fun stuff later, but for now, go look at this. If you're on the fence, see if we can't convince you :D

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