Friday, August 24, 2012


So, one of the cool things about blogger is that it lets you know where in the world you're being read. Which I think is a wonderful, fascinating thing, because when you start a new blog, you are fairly sure that only some of your friends read it (those that have the time and when you're in academia, that's not always the biggest number). Keep in mind, it doesn't tell you any details of the people who visit your site aside from where they're from, what browser they use (why I should need that information is beyond me, though I'm sure there's a technical reason for it) and their operating system, and none of that information appears to be linked up. Maybe I should be doing something to make it easier for users on other operating systems to see this? I don't know. The techie stuff fails to interest me, but the countries do, because some of you are reading me from countries where I'm not sure that I know anyone, and that I've certainly never visited. Which is so cool!

So, the point of this post is that it is a shout out to my friends and family that read this (Hi guys) and a shout out to the people I have never met in countries I have never been that have read this. It is an amazing testament to our modern world that you're here! I hope I am managing to entertain you and enabling your procrastination just enough that you can still get work done.

In the meantime, here's the link to the latest Lovecraft Live! Don't forget to go to the main page for some amazing news as well!

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