So, earlier today the radio station at work had an interview with Colm Meaney, where he was asked about Star Trek. In the past, I've heard he's been a bit insulting about the fans (let's grain of salt that one unless someone can provide a reference), but his good humoured response to it was that the spacesuit wouldn't fit him anymore (Colm Meaney, you were never in a space suit, coz you weren't in that scene in First Contact. You wore a military uniform, with the sleeves rolled up for easy access to malfunctioning equipment. Dude). And while I don't know just exactly what Colm Meaney thinks of Star Trek, I would hope that it is the fan culture he dislikes, rather than the show. Because I am very proud of what Colm Meaney and Star Trek did together.
In order to understand why I'm proud of him, you have to understand why it can sometimes be annoying to be an Irish person watching American television. We're represented as drunks, or druids; every evil fairy or elf has an atrocious country Irish accent. In fact, let's take a moment to discuss the accent. There isn't just one! We have four regional dialects of our native language on this not very big island, for crying out loud, of course we have different accents! I won't deny accent work is hard (I wasn't particularly good at them in my drama classes; I firmly believe my attempts at a Belfast accent embarrassed my mother no end), but if you are going to do it, do it right, please. And while we're on the subject of doing it right, please stop putting extra syllables in our words. Yes, we know they are confusing, but in this day and age, Google search should be sufficient to fix these things. Two of the most heinous recent examples of this are in shows I love: Supernatural chose to butcher the name of the Irish god Samhain, pronounced 'Sow-in' as 'Sam-hane'. Yeah. No. Not a bit. Also, the bit where you said he was a demon? No. It is in fact a season, and a month (November). These latter bits I can forgive, because it's Supernatural and I love it, but at least say the name right boys! The other recent culprit is in Lost Girl, where Ciara, played by Lina Roessler, is repeatedly referred to as 'Key-ar-ah'. She is supposed to be an Irish fairy (as far as I can tell), and over here, we pronounce is as 'Keer-ah'. This is all the more frustrating because they get most of it very right, and I don't understand why they messed with a lovely name, making it sound clunky and unfriendly (neither of which describes the character). There are many more examples of what frustrates the Irish viewer of American television, but I presume this puts forth some of the major complaints (I advise you not to get me started on the accents of Irish criminals in American crime shows).
Given that one person I know is very conscious of spoilers, and there's at least one in here, the rest of this is going behind a cut.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Staring at the Moon
So at 8.50 pm GMT my phone alarm went off. For a moment, in my post-dinner television watching I was utterly confused as to why it had gone off. When I remembered, I stepped onto my balcony to see if I could find the moon.
Earlier today, one of my Inestimable Work Colleagues happened upon the news that the International Space Station was going to cross the moon over Irish skies tonight. We were excited and I thought it would be a good idea to put an alarm on my phone as I tend to promptly forget about such cool things. Which I did, and which found me on my balcony, staring intently at the sky visible over our complex, much to the bemusement of my homeward bound neighbours.
I popped in to Child of Chaos to tell her the sad news that the moon was not visible. She informed me that on her way back from the shop, she had seen the moon from across the road. With only minutes to spare, shoes and coats were donned and we were off, with me texting my Young Man on the way to inform him of the situation.
On the way over, we saw two men about our age standing across the road, outside what we presumed to be their apartment complex, staring at the part of the sky where Child of Chaos said the moon would be, so we decided they must be out to see it too. At 8.57 pm, when the ISS was supposed to be rising from the horizon (which I hoped I had remembered correctly), we were across the road and caught sight of the moon.
There were two problems. One, it was setting behind our building. Two, it was only a crescent.
We kept backing up until the only option was moonwatching in the busy street, so while I kept an eye on the moon, Child of Chaos pushed the button for the pedestrian lights and let me know when it was safe to cross. The other side provided not only the space to back up and look at the moon, but also a handy signpost. I was still worried though; the moon looked blurry and was that yellowish colour it becomes as it sets. And then the clouds came. And then, to add insult to injury and to cause me to cry out in despair, "Dude!", two double decker buses came.
It was cold so we decided to Google when it was supposed to cross. That yielded nothing. We were convinced we'd seen something move slowly across the moon and wondered if it were the ISS. So we checked Youtube. Apparently, This is what it looks like when the ISS crosses the moon. Take a minute to go look. Go on, you know you want to...
With our visibility, there was no hope of seeing it. We came in at 9.10 pm GMT, and, as Child of Chaos said, even if we didn't see it, it was still great to be watching the moon when it happened.
Even knowing it was cold outside, and that we might not see it, and not knowing quite what we were looking for, it was the right thing to do. I will talk often and at length to anyone who will listen that we need to get off this planet, if only for the heavy metals. I have argued with Child of Chaos that if we wait to solve our problems here, we will lose our chance to move out into the solar system because we will have expended our resources. I genuinely believe that we need a great grand project of our age and that project should be a space elevator. We need to get into space to survive, but also for ourselves. The history of mankind has taken place under the stars. We have prayed to them, sang about them, imagined being out there. We can't keep being the young children who have just learned to walk, standing at the glass door, looking out into the treacherous back garden. We need to start going out there, start walking among the stars. We'll fall down (a lot), but we'll find our footing far more surely than if we just stay here. There is so much out there and yes, we have our problems here. But without finding more resources, we're only going to make them worse. And we are explorers; we need to keep finding the next horizon. True, we don't have a history of doing it the right way, but we're better than we were. We're always learning how to be better than we were. The days when humanity is the best and brightest it could be are far ahead of us but they're not impossible. We can get there. We just have to get out there first.
And sometimes that just starts with two girls, standing in the cold, staring at the moon.
Earlier today, one of my Inestimable Work Colleagues happened upon the news that the International Space Station was going to cross the moon over Irish skies tonight. We were excited and I thought it would be a good idea to put an alarm on my phone as I tend to promptly forget about such cool things. Which I did, and which found me on my balcony, staring intently at the sky visible over our complex, much to the bemusement of my homeward bound neighbours.
I popped in to Child of Chaos to tell her the sad news that the moon was not visible. She informed me that on her way back from the shop, she had seen the moon from across the road. With only minutes to spare, shoes and coats were donned and we were off, with me texting my Young Man on the way to inform him of the situation.
On the way over, we saw two men about our age standing across the road, outside what we presumed to be their apartment complex, staring at the part of the sky where Child of Chaos said the moon would be, so we decided they must be out to see it too. At 8.57 pm, when the ISS was supposed to be rising from the horizon (which I hoped I had remembered correctly), we were across the road and caught sight of the moon.
There were two problems. One, it was setting behind our building. Two, it was only a crescent.
We kept backing up until the only option was moonwatching in the busy street, so while I kept an eye on the moon, Child of Chaos pushed the button for the pedestrian lights and let me know when it was safe to cross. The other side provided not only the space to back up and look at the moon, but also a handy signpost. I was still worried though; the moon looked blurry and was that yellowish colour it becomes as it sets. And then the clouds came. And then, to add insult to injury and to cause me to cry out in despair, "Dude!", two double decker buses came.
It was cold so we decided to Google when it was supposed to cross. That yielded nothing. We were convinced we'd seen something move slowly across the moon and wondered if it were the ISS. So we checked Youtube. Apparently, This is what it looks like when the ISS crosses the moon. Take a minute to go look. Go on, you know you want to...
With our visibility, there was no hope of seeing it. We came in at 9.10 pm GMT, and, as Child of Chaos said, even if we didn't see it, it was still great to be watching the moon when it happened.
Even knowing it was cold outside, and that we might not see it, and not knowing quite what we were looking for, it was the right thing to do. I will talk often and at length to anyone who will listen that we need to get off this planet, if only for the heavy metals. I have argued with Child of Chaos that if we wait to solve our problems here, we will lose our chance to move out into the solar system because we will have expended our resources. I genuinely believe that we need a great grand project of our age and that project should be a space elevator. We need to get into space to survive, but also for ourselves. The history of mankind has taken place under the stars. We have prayed to them, sang about them, imagined being out there. We can't keep being the young children who have just learned to walk, standing at the glass door, looking out into the treacherous back garden. We need to start going out there, start walking among the stars. We'll fall down (a lot), but we'll find our footing far more surely than if we just stay here. There is so much out there and yes, we have our problems here. But without finding more resources, we're only going to make them worse. And we are explorers; we need to keep finding the next horizon. True, we don't have a history of doing it the right way, but we're better than we were. We're always learning how to be better than we were. The days when humanity is the best and brightest it could be are far ahead of us but they're not impossible. We can get there. We just have to get out there first.
And sometimes that just starts with two girls, standing in the cold, staring at the moon.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Riddick Me This
So, part of the reason my posting is sporadic is that, in addition to feeling guilt over not doing thesis or fiction writing while writing my blog, I also have a Young Man to spend time with and a non academic job, which I've had for years and quite like (and I've had enough bad jobs in my life to be prepared to leave a bad one as soon as I can). I'm talking about the job now because we've recently been very busy, and as a result, I was looking forward to seeing a fun film last Friday with both my Young Man and the Good Doctor. And that film was the inestimable Riddick.
Now, I'd like to give you a bit of background on my history with this particular character. I can't quite recall how I stumbled upon Pitch Black, but I do know that I loved it. Let's be fair, this is Vin Diesel's best role, not least because he clearly loves it (by all accounts, ie SFX, he took basic wages for the latest installment). But back to Pitch Black: it is a fantastic creature feature, and, unlike many creature features, the reveal of the monsters is not a disappointment. The reveal is helped by the fact that we see them most clearly through the eyes of Riddick, with the purplish night vision that entails. It also, and this is important, does not make Riddick into a hero. In many ways he finishes the film the same unmitigated bastard he is at the beginning, though let's be fair: Riddick, embracing his anti-hero nature is often a better person than those trying to be heroes (this, I think, is true of many anti-heroes. They don't try to be better and succeed at being as good as they are capable of). I saw Chronicles of Riddick in the cinema (I can't recall who I went with) and, despite the sheer madness of the plot, I loved it as well. Even things which would normally annoy me (50 degrees below absolute zero? Are you kidding me?!) went down very well, mostly because it seemed clear to me that everyone involved just had a lot of fun with it (they got Dame Judy Dench! That was awesome!).
Fast forward a few years and my Young Man invited me along to a movie night with the Good Doctor; specifically a Bad Movie Night (there have been some dire examples, which I thoroughly enjoyed). So, of course, I brought Pitch Black, which was the edition which happened to feature the first 8 minutes of Chronicles of Riddick. The Good Doctor immediately suggested the latter film for our next Bad Movie Night, after which she discovered the impending approach of Riddick, which brings us back to last Friday.
What does one say about Riddick? Well, firstly, I'm glad to finally be seeing some adult-rated movies (the impending PG-13 Robocop is depressing to me. Is Hollywood really that worried about ticket sales that there can't be any adult movies anymore?). I mean, if I had to have my mother buy the tickets for 15s movies when I was 13, can't modern children do the same (my mother is awesome. And I'm fairly sure she knew what every film I saw was about)? Secondly, Riddick has a fantastic cast of characters, one of whom is imbued with a lethal drinking game (you take a drink every time he says something ridiculous). And the creatures once again don't disappoint. What I liked best is that, like the transition from Pitch Black to Chronicles of Riddick, we get another genre jump; this time to a thriller with Riddick playing mind games with the people he loathes the most: mercenaries.
[I interrupt this train of thought to bring you the Good Doctor's best comment of the night; upon 'Richard B. Riddick' coming up as his full name, she turned to me and said 'Is his name actually Dick Riddick?']
The film is fantastically bad; aside from he of the fatal drinking game, there are what the Good Doctor called snakeadiles, a magnificently overdone badass walk out of the wilderness by Riddick himself and some wonderful moments with a vicious puppy (it even features a whole 'even lesbians are into Riddick' bit, which was so cheesily done I can't help but feel they're sending up that particular trope of the irresistible anti-hero). There is a very real sense that Vin Diesel kind of wishes he were Riddick; aside from being the ultimate Gary Stu, a lot of the film feels like wish fulfillment. But all of the silliness of Riddick is recognisable to the audience, and you're left with the feeling that this is a film you can take the piss out of for a very long time.
I think what a lot of filmgoers can forgot (and certainly Hollywood studios can too) is that one of the primary reasons we go to the cinema is to be entertained and lifted out of our world. Riddick is set in a far future where the biggest bastards are the mercenaries who bring in criminals and the only one likely to save the universe from a planet destroying army is someone you wouldn't trust with the silverware - you can't tell me that's not entertaining. Thankfully, Vin Diesel wants to bring Riddick back some more (and ya know what? Finding out he plays D&D on set means I am a fan forever), so we should get more genre jumping madness.
Now, the only thing we need to do is have a Riddick marathon when the DVD comes out. I'll report back as to whether our brains melted...
Now, I'd like to give you a bit of background on my history with this particular character. I can't quite recall how I stumbled upon Pitch Black, but I do know that I loved it. Let's be fair, this is Vin Diesel's best role, not least because he clearly loves it (by all accounts, ie SFX, he took basic wages for the latest installment). But back to Pitch Black: it is a fantastic creature feature, and, unlike many creature features, the reveal of the monsters is not a disappointment. The reveal is helped by the fact that we see them most clearly through the eyes of Riddick, with the purplish night vision that entails. It also, and this is important, does not make Riddick into a hero. In many ways he finishes the film the same unmitigated bastard he is at the beginning, though let's be fair: Riddick, embracing his anti-hero nature is often a better person than those trying to be heroes (this, I think, is true of many anti-heroes. They don't try to be better and succeed at being as good as they are capable of). I saw Chronicles of Riddick in the cinema (I can't recall who I went with) and, despite the sheer madness of the plot, I loved it as well. Even things which would normally annoy me (50 degrees below absolute zero? Are you kidding me?!) went down very well, mostly because it seemed clear to me that everyone involved just had a lot of fun with it (they got Dame Judy Dench! That was awesome!).
Fast forward a few years and my Young Man invited me along to a movie night with the Good Doctor; specifically a Bad Movie Night (there have been some dire examples, which I thoroughly enjoyed). So, of course, I brought Pitch Black, which was the edition which happened to feature the first 8 minutes of Chronicles of Riddick. The Good Doctor immediately suggested the latter film for our next Bad Movie Night, after which she discovered the impending approach of Riddick, which brings us back to last Friday.
What does one say about Riddick? Well, firstly, I'm glad to finally be seeing some adult-rated movies (the impending PG-13 Robocop is depressing to me. Is Hollywood really that worried about ticket sales that there can't be any adult movies anymore?). I mean, if I had to have my mother buy the tickets for 15s movies when I was 13, can't modern children do the same (my mother is awesome. And I'm fairly sure she knew what every film I saw was about)? Secondly, Riddick has a fantastic cast of characters, one of whom is imbued with a lethal drinking game (you take a drink every time he says something ridiculous). And the creatures once again don't disappoint. What I liked best is that, like the transition from Pitch Black to Chronicles of Riddick, we get another genre jump; this time to a thriller with Riddick playing mind games with the people he loathes the most: mercenaries.
[I interrupt this train of thought to bring you the Good Doctor's best comment of the night; upon 'Richard B. Riddick' coming up as his full name, she turned to me and said 'Is his name actually Dick Riddick?']
The film is fantastically bad; aside from he of the fatal drinking game, there are what the Good Doctor called snakeadiles, a magnificently overdone badass walk out of the wilderness by Riddick himself and some wonderful moments with a vicious puppy (it even features a whole 'even lesbians are into Riddick' bit, which was so cheesily done I can't help but feel they're sending up that particular trope of the irresistible anti-hero). There is a very real sense that Vin Diesel kind of wishes he were Riddick; aside from being the ultimate Gary Stu, a lot of the film feels like wish fulfillment. But all of the silliness of Riddick is recognisable to the audience, and you're left with the feeling that this is a film you can take the piss out of for a very long time.
I think what a lot of filmgoers can forgot (and certainly Hollywood studios can too) is that one of the primary reasons we go to the cinema is to be entertained and lifted out of our world. Riddick is set in a far future where the biggest bastards are the mercenaries who bring in criminals and the only one likely to save the universe from a planet destroying army is someone you wouldn't trust with the silverware - you can't tell me that's not entertaining. Thankfully, Vin Diesel wants to bring Riddick back some more (and ya know what? Finding out he plays D&D on set means I am a fan forever), so we should get more genre jumping madness.
Now, the only thing we need to do is have a Riddick marathon when the DVD comes out. I'll report back as to whether our brains melted...
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