Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Return of the Shiny!

Hello Universe!

Child of Chaos and I have recently moved out of where we were and into a new place. It has, as yet, not been opened to visitors aside from Immediate Female Ancestor and CofC's boyfriend Swordsman (who has proven exceptional at the transportation and lifting of things, so yay him!), but it is feeling of home already. It is called The Library, given our proclivity for bookshelves and books to fill them with.

One of the fun things about living with a friend is that one can be rewatching a season one episode of Fringe (our digital box finds itself already half full after less than three weeks) and be interrupted by Child of Chaos coming in to tell the story of how the hole where a tooth was removed had sealed up. She was very pleased about this, and I was amused by the promise of many non sequiters in the future (not that we hadn't had our share of non sequiters in the last place). The fun thing about living with other people is the unexpected; you never know what funny or odd thing will happen. That said, I'm sure there will be unexpected things from Child of Chaos that will annoy me immensely, and things I do that annoy her, but the balance will always be towards the positive, if the last two years of house sharing are anything to go by. Needless to say, it will also balance heavily towards the nerdy.

While I'm back, I have another little story to tell. I was on the bus back to The Library the other day when I noticed a small girl had started singing enthusiastically on the bus. There wasn't much in the way of tune, but she was clearly having fun. This reminded me of an incident when I much younger. I was on a bus that had broken down and we were waiting for a new bus to come along. I was sitting on the floor in front of my seat, playing with a toy, I think, and I began to sing away to my heart's content. At the end of the song, the other passengers applauded me and I attempted to hide under the seat, much to Immediate Female Ancestor's amusement. When I heard the little girl, I texted IMF to find out what song I had sung, only to discover that it was not the isolated incident I had thought. Apparently, singing on the bus was a regular hobby for me as a child, for which I heartily apologise to the universe. I have never been able to sing well. However, we did narrow it down to two potential songs: Doe, a Deer and The Greatest Love of All. So here are some links for you to enjoy those songs, properly sung: and

Also, because it's his birthday and it's generally awesome, here's some Levar Burton talking about science fiction: